SASS Newsletter
Every week we send a news email to our church family.
TO CONNECT to services being live streamed

from SASS via ZOOM 

please click on the following graphic.

Zoom logo editorial stock photo. Illustration of online - 218769093

ZOOM Meeting ID: 795 930 7120

Password for access "sass"
all lowercase, no quotes

Our Sunday worship service is at


Everyone is encouraged to come and join in the service at SASS.

For those who can not attend in-person our worship services will continue to be live-streamed via ZOOM (details below)

VIDEO recordings of our services are available on our SASS YOUTUBE channel, or search for “SASS Presbyterian” on YouTube.

Thank you for considering making a donation to SASS.

If you would like to donate using a CREDIT CARD then you can do that through– CanadaHelps is a registered charity dedicated to increasing charitable giving across Canada. They do that by serving both donors and charities. For donors, they offer a one-stop shop for discovering, donating, or fundraising online for any registered Canadian charity. They process donations made using their site, disburse the funds to the charities and provide instant or anytime access tax receipts directly to the donors. To donate to SASS through CanadaHelps click on the following link to take you directly to our donation form.

If you have a PAYPAL account - CLICK on DONATE NOW below ...

You can also use this link to donate directly to Camp Douglas.

If you would like to regularly contribute to SASS please consider signing up for PAR (Pre-Authorised Remittance)

Donate Now

Are You on PAR?

"I give by Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) because my church is one of my priorities."

click MORE below for more information

SASS Directory
To access the latest SASS Church Directory, please click below ...

(it is passowrd protected)

Contact/ Map
St. Andrew's and St. Stephen's Presbyterian
2641 Chesterfield Avenue
North Vancouver, BC V7N 3M3

Phone: 604-7214215
Fax: 604-987-6865

Email Us
Office Hours

Tuesday to Friday
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
or by appointment


Annual Congregational Meeting

Our Annual Report including our 2024 financials and 2025 budget will be made available in due course ...

St. Andrews & St. Stephens Presbyterian Church has a gift for you; FREE access to a huge, streaming, online, access-on-any-device library of over 10,000 video Bible studies, leadership videos, kids shows and more.

We have signed up to use RightNow Media.

To sum it up — it’s like the Netflix of Bible study videos. You will have FREE access to thousands of video resources to help you with parenting, marriage, discipleship and more.

It includes content for all ages and stages of life, and all of your family members are invited to set up their own accounts as well.

Just click the JPEG below to go to the RightNow Media Website page where you can view their DEMO.

If you would like access to this digital library just sign-up here.

We would like to hear your opinion on this resource - please click on "more" to access a very short survey about RightNow MEdia.

Our Vision

To be a God-centered, Christ-like, Spirit-filled community church.

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Our Mission

Because God the Father, through His Holy Spirit, calls us to a personal relationship with Him by faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

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