St. Andrew's and St. Stephen's, true to our Vision, is a very mission-abundant church. There are many opportunities at SASS to serve our Lord in the company of dedicated brothers and sisters.
Family Fellowship / Movie Nights
We aim to have one Saturday night each month to have some family fun and fellowship; either playing a game or watching a thought provoking movie. Details of evenings are circulated through our weekly e-newsletter.
Out To Lunch Bunch
On the first Sunday of every month we have a fellowship lunch after worship, and there is usually leftovers to take home.

This ministry is by donation.
SASS Weekly Newsletter
Each Wednesday morning our church family receives a weekly e-newsletter in their inboxes, with important notices and weekly announcments.
Wednesday Coffee & Conversation
Every Wednesday we have an informal Coffee & Conversation in our Lounge - 10:30-12pm

Stop by and share some fellowship and great snacks
Youth Ministry

Christian Education Ministry Team (CEMT)

The goal of this team is to provide and encourage Christian education opportunities for the adults in the congregation.

Congregational Life Ministry Team (CLMT)

This is a group of people who meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month to plan events (usually around food) which enable members of our congregation to socialize and get to know each other a little better.

SKYE - Sneiors Keeping Young Eternally - meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, in our Hollyburn Room. 10am - noon.
LIFE Groups
One of our three objectives at SASS, listed in our mission statement, is that we “aspire to follow Christ’s teaching,” which corresponds to the second statement in our Framework for Ministry; “Growing in Christ together.” 

In order for us to intentionally GROW together, to mature in our faith, to nurture one another to become better disciples of Jesus who follow Him by following his teachings, the Session believe that LIFE groups should become part of our ongoing life and ministry.

Music Ministry

We strive to worship God through music

Missions and Evengelism Ministry Team (MEMT)

Missions and Evangelism Ministry Team (MEMT)


Our Library is located near the car park entracne to our building and is open on Sundays following worship.

Saturday Women's Bible Study

Meets every Saturday 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. September to June.

Sunday School

Sunday School coincides with our Sunday Worship Services. Kids being in the service and are then released to their own program led by volunteers.